WIWC Connection Program Survey

The Centre has heard from women looking for volunteer opportunities. Some wish to support the organization, while others are hoping to relieve their feelings of isolation.

As part of our search for innovative measures through which community members can remain engaged, we are launching an intergenerational connection program.

With their life experiences, seniors represent an untapped source of support. Be it personal or professional, we could all benefit from their knowledge.

Conversely, women of other generations can provide support and companionship, particularly during these challenging times. The potential for diverse mentoring opportunities is very exciting!

This survey seeks to learn more about your needs as well as areas of interest. We would encourage you to share it with women from the community at large.

We want to include those who are not online! If you know of someone in this situation, have them call 514-781-8529 and our Outreach Coordinator will facilitate their participation.