2018 Annual General Meeting
11 Rodney
The West Island Women’s Centre will be holding its 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday June 14, 2018 from 12 to 2 p.m. The occasion marks the end of another year of programs and activities at our organization. The AGM is a key event where important decisions concerning the Centre’s administration and its elected leadership are made.
Members are strongly encouraged to attend — it is the meeting where all members have a voice and vote on the Centre’s core issues. The general public is also welcome and a light lunch will be served. Kindly confirm your attendance by June 7 by or e-mailing events@wiwc.ca or calling 514-695-8529. Childcare is available; please reserve your spot when you RSVP by emailing iva.rooney@wiwc.ca.
Some of the critical issues to be voted on include:
- Acceptance of the 2017/2018 Activity Report
- Acceptance of the audited financial statements to March 31, 2018
- Nomination of the auditor for fiscal year 2018/2019
- Election of the 2018/2019 board of directors
Please join us!