Free Seminar: Balance After Babies

March 27, 2018 @ 1:00 am – 3:00 pm

“Balance after Babies: Four strategies to getting your sanity back after having kids”

Do you feel like life is racing by and you just can’t seem to keep up? No matter how hard you try you still feel like you are dropping the ball? You are not alone! Come learn key strategies to bring back balance (and sanity) into your life after having kids.

Carina Groombridge is a certified life coach who loves connecting with and helping people to bring a little more sanity into their life. (Because you are awesome and the world should see it). She is an unshakable optimist, a lover of anything outdoorsy and a calm mom of three. It brings her joy to help others succeed and thrive because she knows it will make society a better place.

Free childcare for preschool-aged children is also available, but you must register for this service by 3 p.m. the day before the seminar takes place.

Please register for the seminar and childcare by calling the office at 514-695-8529, or by e-mailing

Register online for this seminar or call the Women’s Centre at 514-695-8529.